Thursday, September 1, 2011

Momma Lou and Cooper Dog

We had to say goodbye to Lulu last year and that was hard, but really it was expected because she was getting so old and so frail. When Lulu died we were sad but we knew that she wasn't suffering anymore. She was 11 years old and for a bulldog that's a long life!

Well, tragidy struck our family Monday afternoon. My sweet Cooper dog passed. It was a horrific accident that should've never have happened. I have never felt so guilty and helpless in my life. Me, Evan and Ellie left to go run some errands on Monday afternoon. But before we left we let the dogs in because it's so hot outside....Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that Cooper would get in the pantry and could fit his big head in a small dog treat bag, but he did. By the time I found him, it was too late. He was already gone. My heart is hurting so very badly. It hurts for Cooper, for my husband and most of all for my son who does not fully understand the meaning of death. He brings up Cooper all the time. He tells me how much he misses Cooper and how much he wants Cooper back. He asks me when Cooper feels better we can go get him or how long of a drive is heaven and questions like that. It breaks my heart. I'm trying to be strong, but it's really hard. I don't understand out of all the days, why did I have to leave that day. Why didn't I make sure the pantry door was closed. Why didn't we just leave the dogs outside.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Too Big, Too Fast...

We had the kids pictures done last month. Evan 4 and Ellie 5 months old.

Pita Pizzas

So, we've been doing P90x for a month now...We did great the 1st month! The 2nd month not so bueno...... BUT...... we are restarting it on Thursday!!!!!

Tonight I made Pita Pizzas!! They were so yummy! For a dinner that is less than 500 calories it was perfect!

Pita Pizza
1 pita pocket
1/4 cup pizza sauce
1/4 cup reduced fat mozzarella
4 pepperonis
couple of mushrooms

3 oz romaine lettuce
3 croutons
1 tbsp parmasan
1 tbsp of ceasar dressing

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's Official....

We are P90xer's!

Jeremy and I started P90 on June 16th.... We have completed week 1 with success!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stay at home MOM

Life as a stay at mom...... well, what can I say about it? I have no time for anything:) LOL!!!!!!

My thoughts were extremely inaccurate before I became a stay at home mommy. I really thought that being a stay at home mom, I would have "time" to do things......................... Granted, there are those moments when I get to do some things....but the life of a stay at mom is just as fast paced as the rest of the world, we just do not have to be at a place of employment by 8 am. We're already at our place of employment. My job does not begin at 8am nor does it end at 5pm. My job is very demanding and amazing at the same time, without the pay, of course (except when I'm doing the laundry! Thank you JeReMy!) I don't get sick days or vacation days or insurance........ But, I do get lots of hugs and kisses all day long!!!!!!!

My life consists of being the best mommy and wife my family could ask for.. I spend my days cleaning the house, doing the laundry, wiping alllll of the little handprints and doodles (that Evan has ever so graciously drawn on my walls!), play dates, coloring, games, oh and some cooking/baking, too!

When God answered my prayers and opened a door for me to stay home. I found myself, suddenly, very apprehensive about it. Besides, the normal question, can we make it on 1 income..... My fear was, that I would lose myself in the process. That somehow, having a job defined me as a person. But, the main lesson that I have learned from having an outside job doesn't define me. It doesn't make me the person that I am or the person that I so desperately WANT to be! It's my character that defines me! It's my family and friends and my relationships with people that define me. God made me with great plans and purpose! (Jeremiah 29:11, I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.)

I know that I don't have it all figured out just yet, but I'm working on it!

My life with my family is 1000x better than I ever fathomed! Thank you Lord for being so gracious and allowing me the opportunity to stay home! Now please will you help me to maintain my sanity, so I can figure this new life as I know it, out!


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Z U M B A !!!!!

So, I've made the decision to become a zumba instructor!!!!! I can't wait!!!!! I take my training class August 6th and then I will become certified to teach classes anywhere!!!!! I'm super duper excited and can't wait!

WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate this word "weight"

Well, it's been 4 months since our beautiful little girl was born!!! and
I gained 50 lbs this go round......yikes!!!!
As soon as I had the go ahead, I returned back to weight watchers. After about 2 1/2 months, I started slacking...big time. Where was my motivation? I lost it:( So, Jeremy and I decided to do the HCG diet for awhile. I really don't like that diet. I was starving most of the time, which made me binge. I didn't lose as much as I should've doing that diet. The HCG diet is a very hard diet to do. If you are a very disciplined person, you'll probably do very well. Not saying that I'm not disciplined, but I have room for improvement. Also, I've noticed that I'm an emotional eater, when I'm sad, happy, depressed or bored, I eat. Also noticed that when I gain weight, I eat. When I lose weight, I celebrate and EAT!!!! And it's not always the healthy stuff. I have a sweet tooth that seems to take over my body sometimes. It's such an emotional rollercoaster. I need to fix it!!!!!!!

Well, anyways, I'm done ranting.... On a positive note ~ I am happy to report that I have lost 20lbs to date....

I still have about 30 - 35 more lbs to go.......... I'm off HCG and I can finally work out again!!!!
Weight has never been an issue really in my life and now it consumes me and I HATE IT!!!!!!
I just got a new book called Made to Crave ~ thanks to my friend for referring it to me:) I'm hoping that this new book will help me see the light so I can get this weight off forEVER!!!!!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

New flowers and dragonfly friend

Trying something new


Never done it!

Not sure if it's right, but we'll see............

Day 1: Built 2 - 4' X 4' boxes.. Mixture of dirt, vermiculite, moss and compost.........

Day 2: Planted the seeds - let's see what happens!