Thursday, September 1, 2011

Momma Lou and Cooper Dog

We had to say goodbye to Lulu last year and that was hard, but really it was expected because she was getting so old and so frail. When Lulu died we were sad but we knew that she wasn't suffering anymore. She was 11 years old and for a bulldog that's a long life!

Well, tragidy struck our family Monday afternoon. My sweet Cooper dog passed. It was a horrific accident that should've never have happened. I have never felt so guilty and helpless in my life. Me, Evan and Ellie left to go run some errands on Monday afternoon. But before we left we let the dogs in because it's so hot outside....Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that Cooper would get in the pantry and could fit his big head in a small dog treat bag, but he did. By the time I found him, it was too late. He was already gone. My heart is hurting so very badly. It hurts for Cooper, for my husband and most of all for my son who does not fully understand the meaning of death. He brings up Cooper all the time. He tells me how much he misses Cooper and how much he wants Cooper back. He asks me when Cooper feels better we can go get him or how long of a drive is heaven and questions like that. It breaks my heart. I'm trying to be strong, but it's really hard. I don't understand out of all the days, why did I have to leave that day. Why didn't I make sure the pantry door was closed. Why didn't we just leave the dogs outside.

1 comment:

sara said...

oh no Cheryl, I'm SO SORRY.
i'll be calling you today :(