Friday, January 2, 2009

I blinked...........

and 2008 was gone....... We did it, we made it through another year!!!!!!!! I know that God was with us throughout the year and completely blessed us. We owe it all to God!

The beginning of 2008 started off slow and boring......... but then things got busy. I mean, real busy.....and I don't even know why, but our life just started to take on a life of it's own.............

My interpretation of 2008:

Truly Blessed, Busy, Chaotic, Fun, Happy, Depressing, Outstanding, Amazing, Unforgettable, Stressful, Awesome, etc...

I learned new words for my vocab (eventhough I don't use them, hehehehehe)

Blamestorming: Combination of blaming and brainstorming. Used when co-workers sit around trying to figure out who is at fault for a missed deadline or botched project. “The client wasn’t happy. You know the boss will want to have a blamestorming session.”

Swipeout: When the magnetic strip on a credit card wears out due to use. “I just called my credit card company because my old card had a swipeout.”

Friendiligence: The amount of time it takes to maintain friend requests on social networks such as MySpace and Facebook. “I just don’t have time for all of this friendiligence!”

Prehab: A program to prevent young stars from behaving inappropriately. “Looks like Miley Cyrus is the only one who’s been to prehab.”

Irritainment: A celebrity spectacle that, like a car wreck, you just can’t turn away from. “Brittney Spears provided enough irritainment for 2007.”

Bromance: Combination of brother and romance used to describe a strong heterosexual relationship between to males. “Ben Affleck and Matt Damon have a great bromance.”

Earjacking: Eavesdropping on a conversation. “That guy at that table over there is earjacking us!”

and last but not least, and my favorite that I have used is: (drum roll)

Ginormous: Combination of gigantic and enormous. “That sandwich I just ate was ginormous.”

Evan turned 1!!! We had a birthday party for him at the park. Great birthday party, except for the wind and dirt blowing 5000 miles per hour......... * mental note, NO BLUE ICING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I turned the big 3 - 0!!!!!!!! I'm hoping that my thirties will be magically and unforgettable!
Jeremy and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary!!!!!!
I got a new job!! Score!!! It's an awesome job, I no longer get belittled, cussed at and treated like the scum on the bottom of someones ostrich leather wanna be cowboy boots!

We did some traveling to Dallas and Colorado! Went to the nascar race, some concerts, of course to the movies, went to our share of birthday parties, weddings, wedding and baby showers.

Made some new friends and lost some friends:(

I lost 30 lbs!!!! Now my new year's resolution is to lose at least 20 more lbs and TO KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!! (easier said than done)

Overall, 2008 was great!!!!! Here's to another blessed and amazing year....

I pray that all my friends and my family have a blessed and prosperous year in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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