Monday, January 18, 2010

Back on track....

Well, trying to get back on track anyways.....

I went to my first weight watchers meeting on Saturday morning! It was very inspiring!
I know that I've got to loose weight and dieting (for me) is not the's a lifestyle change. It's making a conscience effort to watch and control what I eat. So, here we are again......
I have a different mind set about it this go round. So, we'll see what happens!!!!!!

Day 1: was really good! Exercised and ate (almost perfect)
Day 2: was ok. Ate good and cleaned house....which is an aerobic activity in itself.
Day 3: Off to a great start!!!!!! Will go to the gym tonight!!!!!!!!!

I weigh in on Saturday!!!! I'll update!!!!

Wish me luck!!!!!!!

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