Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Where was this when I needed it the most........... Great REMINDER!!!!!

Stop, Look, Rick Warren

"A fool gives vent to his anger but a wise man keeps himself under control."Proverbs 29:11

Why is it so important to keep our anger under control? Because uncontrolled anger can become a habitual way of responding to life. Pretty soon, your anger controls you instead of you controlling your anger.

The Book of Proverbs is filled with practical steps on how to control your anger. Let me share three. The easiest way to remember them to remember a little phase that you may have learned as a child when you were taught to cross the street: Stop, Look, Listen.

1. Stop. Stop and think before you speak. I don't know why it is but angry words always seem to come to easily. I know some people who, when they get angry, are witty, sarcastic, quick! But a sharp tongue is the quickest way to cut your throat.

Proverbs 14:17 says, "A quick tempered man does foolish things." and Proverbs 15:1 says, "A gentle answer turns away wrath but harsh words stir up anger." The starting point in dealing with anger is to stop and watch what you say!!!

2. Look. Look at the situation from God's point of view, not your point of view. That means be mature enough to overlook minor hurts, frustrations and insecurities. If someone insults you, criticizes you, or puts you down, be mature enough to say, "It's not going to bother me." Proverbs 12:16 says "A man's wisdom gives him patience. It is his glory to overlook an offense."

Anger, like every other emotion, is caused by the way you see a situation. If you want to control your anger, one way to do it is change your point of view.

3. Listen. Listen to the needs and hurts of those people that you're tempted to be angry against. Any angry person is just a hurting person. They're hurting inside, they're frustrated. When you listen to their needs, it's easier to respond and not get angry.

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:19
If you do the first 2, the 3rd will come automatically. If you are quick to listen and slow to speak, it is going to be automatic that you are slow to become angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Baby Vetus:)

Jeremy and I decided that our trip to Vegas would be the jumping off point to start trying to have another baby. May rolls around, no pregnant belly yet. Then June 3rd I decided to go ahead and take a test, I mean b/c I couldn't wait, that was the day I was supposed to start and I hadn't yet, so I took a test. I mean hello, I'm impatient.....and sure enough it's positive!!!!! I was super excited, but nervous at the same time. Jeremy hadn't gotten home from work yet, so I was pacing and figiting waiting anxiously for Jeremy to get home. Finally he got home and was watering the tree and I took the test outside and said well, here it is. I handed him the test and he looks at it and says what does that mean? It's POSITIVE!!!!!!!!! He was like Oh wow! That was fast! Welp, I guess we'd better start preparing for baby #2!!!!

So, we didn't tell anyone til Saturday, we told our moms. You can imagine my anxiety at work. I wanted to tell, but I wanted to wait.

So, anyways, we told our moms, then we waited til we went to Dallas and told Steven and Misti! We had to tell our friends, that we were planning a trip to Vegas in February of 2011, that we wouldn't make this trip, that we'd be having a baby instead.........then we told our bosses.

We're so very excited! Though it's still very early in the pregnancy it's still overwhelming and nervousness sets in. But, I know that everything will work out and happen the way that it's meant to. Please pray for our little family and our soon to be new addition!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I did it!

Well, I hit it today! I reached my 10% goal with weight watchers!!!! I've lost a total of 16.2 lbs!!!! Now it's time to think about my long term, ultimate goal!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hanging by a thread...

So, this is my 12th week on weight watchers. And for some reason, this week and last week have been the hardest weeks so far. I haven't been tracking, eating right or exercising right....

Thus far, I have lost 15.4 lbs. I'm almost about to hit my 10% goal and Lord help me....I keep self sabotaging myself. Why do I do this to myself?

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I weighed in yesterday and I am happy to report that I reached my 5% goal!!!! I have lost 9.2 lbs so far and am super motivated and excited about it!!!!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


So, I joined Weight Watchers 3 weekends ago!!!!!!!! I just attended my 3rd meeting yesterday and I gotta say I really do like it! I love the tips, recipes and the women there, they just boost your motivation and help you stay on track!
So, far I'm down 4.8 lbs....which may not sound like a lot, but hey, it's a start!
It's not as hard as I thought it would be.
I'm getting in the habit of tracking everything that I eat and making better choices as to what to put in my mouth........ I bite it ~~~~ I write it:)
I've been going to the gym on a regular basis and am lovin' it!!!! Never really thought I could enjoy working out so much, but I do!!!!!!!!!

I've never paid much attention to things that I eat, really. Even some of things that I've eaten in the past that I thought would be a healthy choice have really not been that healthy of a choice.

Anyways, here's a breakfast sandwich that I've been eating and it's wonderful!!!!!!!!!!

1- Orowheat english muffin - extra fibra - toasted
1/4 cup egg beaters - scrambled
1 slice of canadian bacon - heated
1 wedge of garlic and herb skinny cow cheese

It is soo yummy and it's only 4 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, anyways, just wanted share my success thus far and will keep posting!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Back on track....

Well, trying to get back on track anyways.....

I went to my first weight watchers meeting on Saturday morning! It was very inspiring!
I know that I've got to loose weight and dieting (for me) is not the's a lifestyle change. It's making a conscience effort to watch and control what I eat. So, here we are again......
I have a different mind set about it this go round. So, we'll see what happens!!!!!!

Day 1: was really good! Exercised and ate (almost perfect)
Day 2: was ok. Ate good and cleaned house....which is an aerobic activity in itself.
Day 3: Off to a great start!!!!!! Will go to the gym tonight!!!!!!!!!

I weigh in on Saturday!!!! I'll update!!!!

Wish me luck!!!!!!!