Friday, June 18, 2010

Baby Vetus:)

Jeremy and I decided that our trip to Vegas would be the jumping off point to start trying to have another baby. May rolls around, no pregnant belly yet. Then June 3rd I decided to go ahead and take a test, I mean b/c I couldn't wait, that was the day I was supposed to start and I hadn't yet, so I took a test. I mean hello, I'm impatient.....and sure enough it's positive!!!!! I was super excited, but nervous at the same time. Jeremy hadn't gotten home from work yet, so I was pacing and figiting waiting anxiously for Jeremy to get home. Finally he got home and was watering the tree and I took the test outside and said well, here it is. I handed him the test and he looks at it and says what does that mean? It's POSITIVE!!!!!!!!! He was like Oh wow! That was fast! Welp, I guess we'd better start preparing for baby #2!!!!

So, we didn't tell anyone til Saturday, we told our moms. You can imagine my anxiety at work. I wanted to tell, but I wanted to wait.

So, anyways, we told our moms, then we waited til we went to Dallas and told Steven and Misti! We had to tell our friends, that we were planning a trip to Vegas in February of 2011, that we wouldn't make this trip, that we'd be having a baby instead.........then we told our bosses.

We're so very excited! Though it's still very early in the pregnancy it's still overwhelming and nervousness sets in. But, I know that everything will work out and happen the way that it's meant to. Please pray for our little family and our soon to be new addition!!!!!!!!!